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Sarah Leung

Experiences of LGBTQ+ Youth: The Call for Dedicated Mental Health Support

Pride month may have passed, but society must continue to address the needs of the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, the current state of mental health among LGBTQ+ youth needs to be highlighted. LGBTQ+ youth tend to experience large amounts of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which can cause lasting negative impacts for life.

What are ACEs?

ACE in this context means an “adverse childhood experience.” An ACE is a traumatic event that happens during childhood, and a strong indicator of negative health effects in the future.

ACEs’ Impact

ACEs impact peoples’ health poorly. People with ACEs have poorer mental and physical health than those without ACEs. Those with ACEs find themselves at 12 times more risk of suicide than those without. Additionally, among those with ACEs, consuming alcohol, drugs, and/or tobacco increases up to 10 times in likelihood.

ACEs and LGBTQ+ Youth

LGBTQ+ youth experience more ACEs than their cisgender and heterosexual peers. A large goal in growing up is establishing your own sense of identity. When people are not allowed to do that, it causes issues with self-esteem, among other factors of health.

A study of 6,317 LGBTQ+ teens aged 14-18 from Canada and America found that 86% of respondents had at least 1 ACE. Furthermore, 43% of respondents stated having 4 or more ACEs, in comparison to 12-16% of people in general population studies. Within the LGBTQ+ community, those who were pansexual, non-cisgender, or a person of colour, reported higher amounts of ACEs.


Given the high rates of ACEs among LGBTQ+ youth, mental health professionals are in more dire need than ever. The addition of mental health professionals well-versed in ACEs among LGBTQ+ youth can help lessen the amount and the effect of ACEs as that group grows into adults.



Craig, S. L., Austin, A., Levenson, J., Leung, V. W. Y., Eaton, A. D., & D’Souza, S. A. (2020). Frequencies and patterns of adverse childhood events in LGBTQ+ youth. Child Abuse & Neglect, 107, 104623.


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